Safe from Harm 10
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Be able to help lost children by calling their parents and know what to do if the parents are not contactable
What to do if no one answers when you are in trouble
Know the Emergency Ambulance number, the Emergency Police number and the Fire Rescue Service number and Child helpline number
Be able to explain how to improve psychological health
Be able to explain to the Patrol in Council, three good safety strategies that you would take for Safe from Harm for each of the situations given below:
At weekly or special Scout meetings
At camps
At hikes and excursions
At school
At home
At a place of a friend or relative
During Job Week
At a tuition class(mass or individual)
If detained after school as punishment
talk to a child to see if it's really lost.
Ask if his/her parents are nearby.
Stay with it and wait to see if parents pop up. Probability that a kid is very far from its parents is rather small, so just telling the kid to calm down and waiting for a few minutes will often do the trick.
Figure out if you can get in contact with parents somehow. E.g. A kid might have a phone number of its mum with it.
If nothing else works, contact some authority, e.g a security in a shopping mall, or simply call 119 and let them lead you further.
Do not take the kid away from the place where you found it, except if you have found it on a really dangerous place (middle of the street).
The first step is admitting how you’re feeling, but what next? Sometimes the idea of reaching out to others might feel difficult.
Firstly, think about whether there’s anyone you could talk to about your feelings. This may be a family member, close friend, GP or health visitor. Remember that the more you talk about how you’re feeling, the easier it’s likely to get.
You might even find that people can relate to your experiences in ways you hadn’t thought of. The internet is a powerful tool to make connections you wouldn’t otherwise have.
First people to seek for advice are your parents, if it is a personal matter with parents then the second your closest friend(s), they will help you out via their parents, Third is your relations or teacher, they have a special concern about you
Good thing it’s not possible to reach perfection.
It’s important to be specific about the issue you’re dealing with. There’s no point being obtuse in your definition; uncertainly leads to inaction. Don’t say, “I need to deal with my academic work.” Say, “I need to study hard,” or “I need to stop playing around.”
If the area you want to deal with is obtuse and multi-faceted, you may want to break it down into various components and take each on as individual, and most importantly, consecutive projects. Don’t try to take on a massive area of your life with many components all at once. This approach is prone to failure.
Identifying the patterns involved with your bad behavior is important. It helps you narrow down the most effective solutions (that we’ll find later) and implement them at the right times and places.
For example, if you want to stop impulse spending, identify the circumstances that lead to that spending; obviously, you need to be in a place that sells things. When you’re in a shop, do you ever refrain from impulse spending? Does it occur every single time without failure (unlikely even for the worst impulse spenders)?
By the process of elimination you can determine the circumstances that must be present for the runaway behavior to occur. If you go to buy a Packet of milk powder and come home with various items such as biscuits, ice cream tubs instead, do you have just the cash you need? The impulse spending could be brought on because the knowledge that you have cash with you makes you feel relaxed about purchasing more than you came for.
A potential solution: take out cash for shopping. Make a list of what you need each time you go to the shop, estimate the price, and bring only enough cash to pay for the items.
This can be a tricky step, because sometimes the causes that motivate your behaviors are deep rooted and tough to spot. It can require some honest and often uncomfortable introspection, and in other cases, the causes are obvious and right in front of you. For instance, some freelancers are overweight because their fridge is a few meters away and there’s no obstacle to the temptation to grab a snack.
Armed with some knowledge of your problem patterns and their causes, you can proceed on to doing some research on the issue. The introspective knowledge is important for framing the external information you’ll be digging through; it helps you sort through relevant and irrelevant material much more quickly.
Part of your research will include finding known solutions. You want to find as many as you can and filter them for relevance and effectiveness. If something only worked for one other person but seems relevant to you, you might want to list it in case solutions that worked for a greater number of people don’t pan out, but if a solution seems to be effective for few and irrelevant to you, there’s little point taking note.
If you take note of every proposed solution out there, you’d be trialling heaps of methods that don’t work and waste your time, since everybody on the Internet knows how to solve everybody else’s problems. Be selective, but be open, and try to order your list so that the most promising methods of solving your problem are at the top and the least promising are at the bottom.
Allocate a certain amount of time to test each solution in the list based on how long you’d guesstimate it needing before it takes effect. If you see results, stick it out unless you become sure that the results have ceased and a more effective solution is needed. And of course, be discerning and start with the methods that show the most promise for your situation and have worked well for others; don’t start with the methods that look easy but have worked for few others. There’s usually a reason that “solution” is so easy.
As you progress, make sure to review your process regularly. It seems like a given but you’d be surprised how often people keep trying to solve a problem using the same fix even when it doesn’t work.
Is the solution working? What about the solution is producing results? In that light, are there other solutions that will work better or faster based on the way the situation is resolving itself? It could be worth giving the alternative a shot if there’s enough reason to believe it’ll work better.
At the end of the day, the process of fixing problem areas in your life comes down to two basic principles:
Understand the problem and the solutions available.
Test, tweak, rinse and repeat until you succeed.
If you can do this consistently, you can beat any problem; just give yourself enough time to test and tweak until you find out what works, and don’t expect miracles.
Police Emergency Hotline
118 / 119
Ambulance / Fire & rescue
National Child Protection Authority
Accident Service-General Hospital-Colombo
Tourist Police
Police Emergency
Government Information Center
Report Crimes
Emergency Police Mobile Squad
Fire & Ambulance Service
It’s important to take care of yourself and get the most from life. Making simple changes to how you live doesn’t need to cost a fortune or take up loads of time.
Talk about your feelings
Talking about your feelings can help you stay in good mental health and deal with times when you feel troubled.
Keep active
Regular exercise can boost your self-esteem and can help you concentrate, sleep, and feel better. Exercise keeps the brain and your other vital organs healthy, and is also a significant benefit towards improving your mental health.
Eat well
Your brain needs a mix of nutrients in order to stay healthy and function well, just like the other organs in your body. A diet that’s good for your physical health is also good for your mental health.
Keep in touch
There’s nothing better than catching up with someone face to face, but that’s not always possible. You can also give them a call, drop them a note, or chat to them online instead. Keep the lines of communication open: it’s good for you!
Ask for help
None of us are superhuman. We all sometimes get tired or overwhelmed by how we feel or when things don’t go to plan. If things are getting too much for you and you feel you can’t cope, ask for help. Your family or friends may be able to offer practical help or a listening ear. Local services are there to help you.
Take a break
A change of scene or a change of pace is good for your mental health. A weekend exploring somewhere new. A few minutes can be enough to de-stress you. Give yourself some ‘me time’.
Following are six practices to implement during in-person troop meetings or activities:
Temperature checks: Remind volunteers, scouts, and parents to take their temperatures prior to group interaction. Members with fever should skip the in-person gathering until their temperature is normal.
Meeting size: Follow state and local restrictions for nonessential gatherings.
Maintain distance: Social distancing should be implemented and consistently practiced.
Masks: Face coverings for girls should be required and consistently practiced.
Avoid touching and passing items: Scouts should bring their own snacks and supplies, whenever possible.
Outdoor meetings: When possible and weather permitting, scouts should meet outdoors instead of indoors.
Do make sure you know who you are with. There are two types of people at the Jamboree:
Young people (often called participants) aged 14-17. They will wear a neckerchief with a red border. They will carry ID to show they are a young person.
Adults aged 18 and over – Scouters, contractors, guests, state officials, etc. Scouters and some guests will have blue, gray, purple, green or silver neckerchief borders. All adults will carry ID or wear a wristband.
Do be aware that people at the Jamboree will be very diverse:
They come from six continents, every race, every religion, with every skin color, speaking many languages.
Scouting welcomes male and female members, heterosexual people, gay men, lesbian women, bisexual, and transgender people.
There will be people with physical and learning disabilities, and some with mental health challenges.
Do treat everyone with dignity. Make sure they feel included, equal and respected.
Do remember that adults are in a position of trust. Young people will look up to you as a person of integrity, expecting the highest possible standards from you at all times. They should be able to trust you and your motives. So should other adults.
Do ensure you have a person’s consent before you do something that affects them. Everyone has the right to say no at any time, however far a situation has gone.
Do stop If they don’t give consent, or they withdraw it. Don’t go any further.
Don’t take a young person into a tent or secluded place on your own.
Do ensure there are always two adults present during non-trivial contact with young people. You must be with, or in sight of, another adult who knows what you are doing. If it’s an emergency with no other adult present
Do always tell the young person that you are helping what you are going to do and why.
Do Speak loudly so adults out of sight nearby may hear you.
Do make contact with another adult as quickly as safely possible.
Don’t touch young people unless it’s an emergency.
Don’t discriminate by using unjust, unfair or prejudicial treatment or words against anyone because of their color, race, faith (religion), age, gender, disability, or sexual orientation, e.g. gay, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual.
Make jokes or use words based on prejudice or discrimination.
Stare at people who are different.
Wear slogans that are discriminatory or offensive.
Play music containing offensive language, or descriptions of people that come from prejudice.
Refuse to work with someone, or refuse to provide a service or support because someone is different.
Refuse instructions from managers because of difference.
Get into arguments or fights about difference.
Send inappropriate emails, messages or photos that might be seen as bullying, harassment or sexual grooming.
Discriminate against anyone when allocating work.
Do make sure people with additional needs (disabilities) have the support they need to do their job on an equal basis.
Do act right away if you think someone is being abused or discriminated against. Make your presence felt. Ask: ‘Are you OK?’ or ‘What’s going on here?’
Don’t leave the person on the receiving end of possible abuse or discrimination alone with the alleged perpetrator.
Do listen if someone tells you about abuse or discrimination:
Don’t judge.
Do ask open-ended questions like: ‘What happened?’
Don’t ever make a promise of silence or guarantee solutions
Do report anything you suspect might be abuse or discrimination. We explain how to report Safe from Harm incidents at the end of these dos and don’ts.
Don’t flirt with, or come on to, any young person aged 16 or 17, or have sexual relations with them. If they show an interest in you, just say no!
Don’t form sexual relationships with Jamboree volunteers or paid staff you are managing.
Do report any suspicions that an adult may be seeking, or having, sexual relations with a young person. Suspected or actual youth sexual abuse will be reported to the West Virginia state authorities.
Do act immediately if you observe, read (e.g. internet/social media posting), or overhear words or actions, however vague, that suggest that someone is likely to injure him/herself and/or others, including saying they have suicidal thoughts.
Do treat this as a medical emergency: follow the emergency response procedures at the end of these dos and don’ts.
Do get help from anyone in the immediate vicinity.
Don’t leave the person alone (regardless of their reaction or statements to the contrary) until the Jamboree medical team arrives.
Do, if you are living on the Jamboree site, identify a buddy and check up on each other every day.
Do make sure your buddy gets support if they need it.
Do respect these two Scout Laws, even if you are not a Scout:
A Scout is a friend to all and a brother or sister to every other Scout.
A Scout is courteous.
Do think about how your own behavior may affect others, e.g. a joke or prank you think funny may offend in a different culture.
Do respect how others dress, even if it seems strange to you.
Do remember that people wearing shorts and sleeveless tops is not meant to be suggestive. It is probably their way of staying cool.
Don’t change clothes in public.
Do remember that some cultures are very informal, whereas others are much more formal, particularly when it comes to relations between the generations and the sexes.
Do behave more formally if in doubt, e.g. avoid hugs and kisses if you aren’t sure how the other person will react.
Do be careful with greetings. In some cultures, people shake hands. In others, unrelated people don’t touch each other, and prefer another type of greeting.
Do remember that every culture has its own body language, e.g. a shake of the head means ‘yes’ in some cultures and ‘no’ in others. Use words to check your understanding.
Do respect different eating traditions, e.g. some pray before eating; some eat with their hands (usually the right, because the left is used for washing); others use chopsticks or cutlery.
Do respect different faith (religious) food and drink practices, e.g. Muslims and Jews don’t eat pork; Hindus don’t eat beef; Roman Catholics don’t eat meat on Fridays.
Do be sensitive about how you gesture with your hands and feet, e.g. in some cultures it’s very rude to point with the feet. Use words until you get to know someone.
Don’t get too close to people or touch them in conversation unless you know they are comfortable with you doing so.
Don’t be surprised if people from some cultures are late for meetings. Different societies have different attitudes to time. Be understanding if your schedule and theirs don’t always line up.
Don’t try to impose your own values on others. The Jamboree’s values are what we will all abide by.
Do obey the Jamboree Code of Conduct. Everyone, including you, must follow it. It’s the Appendix at the end of these dos and don’ts.
Don’t swap patches, gifts or souvenirs with young people.
Don’t take ‘souvenirs’ from the Jamboree site.
Don’t bring alcohol onto the Jamboree site, drink or be under the influence of alcohol there.
Don’t bring illegal drugs onto the Jamboree site, take or be under their influence of drugs there.
Don’t smoke or vape, except in a designated smoking area.
Don’t give young people cigarettes, tobacco, vapers (e-cigarettes), or vaping or smoking equipment like cigarette papers or vaping fluid.
Don’t gamble on site.
Don’t bring firearms or bows onto the Jamboree site unless authorized to carry them, e.g. National Guard, Police, security, Jamboree authorized instructors.
Don’t carry a knife more than 4 inches (10 centimeters) in overall length without permission from Jamboree management.
Don’t bring a drone on site unless it’s for official use agreed by Jamboree management.
Do call in any Safe from Harm incident contravening anything covered in these dos and don’ts. Here’s how:
If you are on the Jamboree radio network, call the Jamboree Control Center.
Call the Jamboree Emergency Number or inform the Scout Master.
Call 119. Your call will be routed to the Jamboree Control Center unless you are off site.
Call in at a Listening Ear station, or tell a chaplain.
Go to an on-site medical facility if it seems to be a mental health incident.
If you have access to one, complete a Safe from Harm incident reporting form and return it to the email address on the form, or hand a copy to a Safe from Harm Unit member or a Steward.
Do report allegations and definite cases of abuse of young people. West Virginia law requires responsible adults to report abuse. We will support you to get the report to the authorities.
Don’t leave the scene if other adults join you. We need to be able to talk to you before you leave.
Do collect as much information as you reasonably can: Who was involved? Which national Contingent(s) or International Service Team department(s) are they from? What exactly happened?
Don’t try to investigate. Just get the basic facts, if you can.
Do stay with people who need support until authority come to help
Let someone know your plans
Whether you're alone or in a group, it's wise to tell someone else where you're going and when you intend to return.
Establish a plan for checking in and follow through with it. If your plans change, let your contacts know.
Carry trail maps and know how to use them
There's no harm in bringing your phone (except for taking perilous selfies), but it would a mistake to rely on it for directions.
Find a current map and bring along a hard copy of it. Study it and make a plan for where you intend to go. And make sure you know how to orient yourself before you set off.
Be wary of strangers
Be friendly, but cautious. Absolutely trust your instincts, especially if you are alone. Don't worry about being rude or hurting someone's feelings.
Avoid people who are intoxicated, act suspiciously or make you uncomfortable.
Be extra cautious if you're alone
Hiking alone inevitably makes you more vulnerable to unwanted contact. If you go it alone, keep in mind all of the above and be extra alert. Headphones can be a distraction, so you might want to consider ditching them.
When you encounter strangers, use the pronoun "we" instead of "I" when talking to people and try not to broadcast to others that you're alone.
Don't camp or linger near roads or trailheads
Places where people congregate -- such as roads, shelters and campsites -- can carry greater risks of unwanted interactions. Try to make yourself as inconspicuous as possible by camping away from roads and finding a location that's not clearly visible from a trail.
And on the subject of phones...
Reception is spotty and unavailable in many areas. Don't rely on your phone to be a map, a light source or a survival kit.
And if you're taking a selfie, stay within trails and boardwalks. For pictures of animals, use a zoom lens. If you're close enough to an animal to take a selfie with it, you are too close, and you should back away.
Importance of maintaining a good public image, including the wearing of correct attire, good manners, ability to articulate the purpose of job week, making self-introduction, offering of appreciation, kindness to the environment, care to private and public properties
Avoiding disturbances and creating of public nuisance to residential neighbourhoods, offices or other places of work
Requesting or Suggesting a job politely
Declining a job which they can’t handle
Making simple introductions
Explaining the intention and objective
Welcoming all contributions for the job without bargaining
Offering appreciation
Following the Buddy System and preventing going alone. Should be in groups of 2’s to 3’s at least. Younger scouts should always be accompanied by an older scout. This may also be a good opportunity to involve parents or adult leaders in Scouting.
Adherence to the stipulated working hours and dates unless prior arrangements have been made.
Avoiding the request for jobs where a “Job Done” Card has been displayed.
Treatment of cash collected and how the cards should be accurately entered and endorsed
Never follow any strangers into any buildings or premises. When allocating the premises to cover for job hunting, adult with a good knowledge of the neighbourhood or surroundings should be sought for advice and supervision.
Never tout for jobs in the public, scouts should avoid being in public places like the train stations, airports or ports. They should be advised not to take on jobs at such places or where it is too crowded. They should avoid jobs such as handling of luggages or boxes
Scouts should always remain contactable by the Adult Leader. Scouts should also be advised to contact their Adult Leader when they encounter a situation beyond their control or when harm is suspected
Scouts should be probably coached on how to decline jobs or tasks that may be too difficult to handle or may posed a health or personal safety concern.
Scouts should adhere to the stipulated time for work and within recommended working hours. Of course, jobs solicited within the family, amongst relatives could have exceptions.