District Commissioner’s Hike (One Night and 22km)
This should be the last test to be completed for this Award.
Hike route contains approximately 22Km’s.
The full responsibility of this hike is with the District Commissioner. The District Commissioner may get the help of ADC (Programme) and in a situation of his/her unavailability, may get the help of any ADC / DSL or the Scout Leader holding the Wood Badge.
The hike route and the introductions must be given to the scout in written by the DC or ADC appointed by him/her.
Scout should complete all the requirements in Chief Commissioner’s Award, and this should be last requirement in Chief Commissioner’s Award.
Scout should report to the respective Area ADC after obtaining recommendation from respective Scout Leader.
Only one helper can take part along with the hiker: both the hiker and the helper should be qualified to take part in this hike.
Both scouts may take this test together, but the reports should be submitted separately. I
In a scenario of unavailability of qualified helper, next senior or the same age scout could be used to assist the hike.
Written permission letters to be obtained from parents of both hiker & helper, Scout Leader, Group Scout Leader or the School Authorities and the DC or ADC appointed by him/her.
The night should be spent in the tent. Dinner and breakfast should be prepared by the participants.
The verbal permission should be obtained from the authorities before pitching the tent for night stay.
Scout should convey his gratitude towards the authorities, when leaving the campsite. Mandatory clean-ups should be done before leaving the campsite. Campsite should be handed over without any damage or harm to the environment.
Scout should cook Rice & three varieties of curries and vegetables for dinner. Strictly noodles prohibited for dinner.
Scout should pour tea in the morning and has to cook Roti with Sambol or Milk-rice or any type of grains for the breakfast.
Hike should be started earliest as possible in the early morning. Early morning 7.00 a.m. is preferable.
Only two Scouts who are qualified to do this hike should take part.
Both Scouts may take this test together but should submit separate hike Reports.
Hike route must be drawn in standard format and the scale must be 1:25,000 (4cms - 1km)
And the report should be submitted to the examiner within two weeks of completing the hike. The scout should debrief to the examiner while handing over the hike report.
Certify every Kilometer, at least every two kilometers.
In situations where two Scouts trying to pass this test are not available another Scout of same age could be used to assist the Scout passing.
It is the duty of the District Commissioner to make sure that proper written instructions are given for the hike & to make sure that all necessary permission for the hike is obtained
The night should be spent in the tent and dinner and breakfast should be prepared by the participants
The hike report with map should be submitted to the examiner within two weeks of completing the hike. 22
You may, if you have the facility, compare your map with a map that you can download from Google maps, and make the necessary corrections prior to Presenting to the examiner. Please understand that YOU HAVE TO MAKE YOUR OWN MAP USING THE COMPASS. You may only make necessary corrections as required using Google Maps.
The Hike must be completed only after finishing all the other requirements including Proficiency Badges
Proficiency Badges
One Any Other Badge (from Practical Science/Camp Craft/Explorer groups or Better World Framework; Seaman and Airman groups for Sea Scouts and Air Scouts, respectively)
When you have completed all the requirements you need to inform your Scout Master. He will facilitate you with the necessary proceedings.
If a Scout starts work on this Award as a Junior Scout and completed the Award as a Senior Scout, any relevant Junior badges done as a Junior Scout would be accepted as qualifying badges.(i.e. some Scouts might have done Junior as well as Senior Badges , depending on his age when he did those badges).
Should complete before 18 years of age. Could complete only after 12 years and 2 months. If still a Junior Scout can do all other junior Badges if he wants after completing the D.C.’s Award
You will need to ensure these before informing the Scout Master
Completed Daily/Camp Logs
Have all the Proficiency Badge chits/Scout Award Badge chit that you completed in a sperate file or pasted in the Log book
No blank pages in-between logs or notes
Completion of Proficiency Badges according to the requirements aforementioned
After Scout Master checks all the requirements a badge chit is given to you. You have to make an appointment with the District Commissioner and go for the interview with the obtained badge chit
Preparing for the hike;
An Exercise book or blank pages with the below mentioned formatted columns to log
A compass
Full Uniform
Permission letters from parents consenting Scout to go on the hike after getting DC's approval to go on the hike
Informing Scout Master of the hike dates
Contact numbers saved in your phone (DC's contact number, Emergency contact numbers, accompanying Scout's parent contact number and Scout Master's contact number)
Backpack with utensils to prepare 2 meals (Dinner and Breakfast)
A Tent (2 Men)
A camera or a mobile phone with a camera to take photographs
First Aid kit
Water bottle
It is most recommended to pack light and choose light utensils which you can put inside another utensil.
Important things you should keep in your mind
Not to take busses or any other transport methods unless you are instructed to do so in your hike instructions
Always stick to your route in the instructions
Follow Highway code and work according to the Scout Law
If you are in need of snacks, always go to a reputed store like P&S, or a reputed bakery.
Do not take lifts from anyone
Do not accept anything from strangers unless the person/persons can be trusted
Log your route and get necessary signatures according to the Hike instructions
Ask permission to spend the night from the landlord(According to the place you are staying)
Make sure you reach your destination to spend the night before getting dark
Pitch the tent first before starting to make dinner
Make sure you make dinner for the landlord as well (1 person)
Make sure you inform on arrival to the campgrounds and when leaving the campgrounds
Take photographs as per instructions also
Few snaps of yourself
Meals you prepare and when preparing
Pitched Tent
Special places with historical values (If mentioned in the Hike Instructions)
Before you pitch the tent and after you unpitched the tent
A picture with the landlord
Format of the Hike Log
You will need to Draw the map when submitting the report. The scale is 1:25,000 (4cms = 1Km)
Make sure you draw it in a A3 paper or equivalent paper according to DC's hike instructions
You can mark the distance of 1KM using a thread and reusing the marked thread as a distance ruler when drawing the map
It is advisable that you draw using a Pencil (A drawing pencil and use
to name.The Map should be drawn according to the Guidelines using the appropriate symbols, colors
All the highway roads & Main Roads should be in 2mm width
Sub road should be 0.5mm in width
You are not required to sketch all the sub roads
The map should contain the Legend, Scale, North clearly
Minimum age to start – 11 years and 03 months
Earliest age of completion – 12 years
Minimum training period – 09 months
Should complete before 18 years
Interviewer – Zonal ADC/ADC nominated by District Commissioner
These instructions may change according to the syllabus and according to each person who interviews you, but it is advisable that you keep these instructions in your mind to get maximum outcome
Last updated
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