Log Book 2
Once all requirements for the President’s Scout Award are completed, you will have to be interviewed by the District Commissioner. The Scout will have to present the Log Book to the District Commissioner at this interview. Records of at least 02 years and 06 months preceding the date of the interview should have been made in the Log Book. This should include the Scout’s experiences as a Scout, etc., a log of the camps that the Scout has had attended, a what the Scout did at the regular Troop meetings, etc.
Preparing for the Interview
Complete all incomplete Daily/Camp Logs
Complete all incomplete Badgework Notes
Instead of pasting pictures, try to draw and decorate pages uniquely
Keep your Badge Chits(Proficiency Badge Chits, Award Badge chits : eg: Scout award, DC, etc, Hike reports, Hike Maps, Progress Cards on a file or in the Log book safely)
Number the pages and have a Table of Contents page on top of the First Page, should be formatted in the below mentioned order
Bio data and page number (Possibly the first Page)
All the Awards in order (Membership badge syllabus and the page number range upto President's Scout Award Badge Syllabus)
Double check your service period(Training period) with the Scout Master
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